Solar Flashing Traffic Signs

Fatality Facts

Solar Flashing Traffic Signs alert even the most distracted driver sooner than regular traffic signs. The signs increase visibility 24/7 under any and all weather conditions.

The solar application means no costly wiring and can be easily installed in nearly any location.

Furthermore, there are many signs offered in The Shop, make sure to check them all out. If none of the signs meet the needs, then create your own sign. One can choose the sign shape, color, text, graphic, timer, sensor and more! Click here to view the different signs that can be customized to fit the requirements needed. The amount of LED’s can vary due to the size of the sign. Typically a 24 inch sign will only have four LED’s while the others will have eight.

So, below is an infographic with Fatality Facts and what cause the most fatalities and when while driving. Distracted driving is more common that we would like to think, purchase a Flashing Traffic Sign today to keep those drivers more alert during the day and night time.

Fatality Facts