Driving is a Privilege, Not a Right

The leading cause of death is due to motor vehicle crashes, which should come to no surprise. Everyone needs to be responsible when getting behind the wheel. This includes staying alcohol and drug free behind the wheel.

Teen drivers that are between the ages of 16-19, are four times more likely to crash than people of an older age. Summer months are the most problematic time.

The legal drinking age may be 21, but 31% of teen driving accidents included alcohol. Drinking and driving is not the only concern, there are many distractions nowadays that increase the amount of reckless drivers. Speeding, cell phones, texting, music, passengers, etc.

There are many ways to help prevent teen motor vehicle crashes, and that can be done through a variety of resources that can be found here. One of those ways also includes, a Solar LED Enhanced Traffic Sign from Solar Traffic Systems, Inc. We are committed to helping communities save lives with new and innovative pedestrian safety technologies.

Furthermore, the LED’s are flashing, which increases driver awareness of the sign. All signs that we offer can be found here.

Source: http://youth.gov/feature-article/traffic-safety-keeping-teens-safe-behind-wheel